Hot Stone Massage | Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone Massage

hot stone massage

A hot stone massage may be the ideal answer for those suffering from muscle tension but not eager to subject themselves to the sometimes painful methods of a deep tissue massage. Using special stones, heated to between 50˚c and 80˚c, the massage therapist is able to relax the muscles and then work them without the need to apply as much pressure.

Hot stone massage therapy is now being offered in most spas throughout the world. Some of the benefits that are derived from this type of massage include the easing of back pain and sore muscles, increased circulation, reduced feelings of stress, anxiety, tension and even depression. Clients have reported a marked decrease in insomnia resulting from the deep relaxation achieved from these sessions.

So, how exactly are these hot stones used? Different practitioners will employ a combination of various methods. Often the client is instructed to sit up while the heated stones are placed in rows on the massage table and covered with a cloth. The client then lies back down with the stones pressing along the spinal column. The heat from the stones begins warming and relaxing the muscles. The therapist will also use the stones to apply pressure to muscle areas. Using the heated stones requires less pressure to relax the deeper muscles than what would be required through normal massage.

What many believe to be a relatively new technique has actually been practiced for thousands of years throughout India, Asia, the Hawaiian Islands and by our own Native Americans. There are references going as far back as 400 BC to the use of olive oil combined with hot stones for massage.

In the United States, the use of hot stones for massage gained popularity largely due to the work of Tucson massage therapist Mary Nelson in the early 1990’s. Relying on information she received from her Native American spirit guide, she said that she was intuitively led to use the stones in a method designed to open up the body’s Chakras or energy channels. Nelson further developed her technique and it became known as LaStone, which can only be performed by a certified LaStone therapist.

Stress and tension literally cripple many in today’s hectic, non-stop world and the level of relaxation achieved through hot stone massage can not be over-emphasized. However, as with all types of massage, the key is to find a well-trained and experienced massage therapist. A little research in the beginning will greatly enhance the many benefits available to you.

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One Response to “Hot Stone Massage”

  1. ann-marie on January 25th, 2010 2:28 pm

    This just sounds great. I haven’t tried it yet, but I will now. Maybe it sounds especially good since it’s been so cold around here lately!

    Can anyone recommend it that’s actually had it done?